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The Breakfast Club will run from 07:00 to Start of School 

The After School Club will run from 15:15 to 18:00.

The Breakfast Club will run from 07:15 to Start of School 

The After School Club will run from 15:15 to 18:15.

The Breakfast Club will run from 07:30 to Start of School 

The After School Club will run from 15:15 to 18:00.




*Please note we do charge a late fee of £5 for every 15 minutes for collection due to having to pay our staff for additional time. 


The children will have to be 'signed out' when leaving by the person collecting.

All parents/guardians are expected to read the club policies and procedures.

Please click on the links below to download the registration form for:




A non refundable fee of £10 will be required to confirm a place due to limited availability.
Breakfast and after school club fees vary at each club due to different times. Please see breakfast club and after school club under Programmes for the exact fees.
The holiday club costs £35 per day.

All fees will be payable monthly in advance, in the first week of each month.
The Club accepts bank transfer, cash and voucher payments.


Polite Notice:

We regret that once a firm booking has been made, we will not be able to waive or refund monies if your child is unable to attend due to any reason, unless a week's notice is provided. This is because the club still incurs overhead costs and staff salaries, etc. However, the Club will use their discretion, where applicable.

In circumstances where you would like additional sessions or would like to cancel sessions, please inform admin as soon as you know as registers are written two weeks in advance. If you are booking/cancelling within the same week, please text the club phone as well. 



It would be greatly appreciated if you would kindly text or call 07931 957 515 (Trinity) or 07452 773 838 (Our Lady of Lourdes) or 07859000675 (St George's) as soon as possible, if a child is either absent from school or has had to go home early, for any reason. This will give us a chance to alert our staff so they know in advance, of the situation. I hope you understand that we require notification of any planned absences one week in advance or full fees will be charged. The club will apply their discretion on unplanned absences. 


Late Pickups:

If you are running late to collect your child or need to contact us urgently, please call us on 07931 957 515 (Trinity) or 07452 773 838 (Our Lady of Lourdes) or 07859000675 (St George's) . We do charge late fees of £5 for every 15 minutes due to two members of staff having to wait with children.


​Extra Pickups:

Please contact the club as soon as you know you need additional sessions. If you are providing over a week's notice, please email admin (for Trinity & St George's only) but if it is within the same week, please text the club phone too. 

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